Even if someone intends to give damaging testimony against you or someone you know, in Okmulgee, Oklahoma it is illegal to attempt to prevent them from testifying in a trial of any kind.
This is called witness intimidation Oklahoma and you may find yourself facing jail time and fines if convicted of this crime.
Examining Witness Intimidation Oklahoma
Once in court, an Okmulgee prosecutor will have to prove that your activity constituted witness intimidation Oklahoma under state law.
Only if he proves that you have satisfied each of the following five elements can he secure a guilty verdict:
First, that a defendant acted willfully;
Second, causing/threatening/procuring/harassing;
Third, physical/mental harm;
Fourth, through force/fear;
Fifth, to a person;
Sixth, because of testimony given by the person in any civil or criminal trial or with the intent to:
1) prevent the person from appearing in court to testify; or
2) make the person alter his testimony; or
3) prevent or because of a report of abuse or neglect.
Penalties for Witness Intimidation Oklahoma
Witness intimidation Oklahoma is punishable by a felony conviction, resulting in between one and 10 years in prison.
Low-cost Consultation: Okmulgee Criminal Defense Lawyer
A witness intimidation Oklahoma charge in Okmulgee is serious and can lead to a lengthy prison sentence.
If you or someone you know is faced with this charge, call 918-756-9600 now for a low-cost strategy session at Wirth Law Office – Okmulgee.
Or, enter your legal question or concern in the form at the top right of this page, and one of our Okmulgee criminal defense attorneys will promptly return your message.