Stalking in Oklahoma is a serious crime. Although you may feel your actions are harmless, you could face a misdemeanor and up to one year in prison.
If you’ve been charged with the crime of stalking, contact an experienced Okmulgee criminal defense attorney today.
Understanding Stalking Charges in Okmulgee
The crime of stalking in Oklahoma is defined under state law.
In order to obtain a stalking conviction, a prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly followed or harassed another person in a manner that:
1) Would cause a reasonable person or a member of the immediate family of that person to feel frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested; and
2) Actually causes the person being followed or harassed to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested.
Defending an Okmulgee Stalking Charge
A stalking in Oklahoma case is usually straightforward and only requires evidence such as the victim’s testimony and evidence that corroborates the stalking claim.
This evidence may include phone records, e-mails, or other witnesses to the alleged stalking.
It is therefore, a possible defense that your actions did not constitute harassment or the person did not actually feel frightened by your actions.
Penalties for Stalking in Oklahoma
If you are found guilty of stalking in Okmulgee, you will be convicted of a misdemeanor crime.
This penalty may be increased to a felony if the victim had a restraining order against you. The felony charge could also apply if there is other credible evidence of a past stalking in Oklahoma situation involving you and the complainant.
Low-cost Consultation: Okmulgee Criminal Defense Lawyer
A charge of stalking in Oklahoma can lead to prison time and expensive fines.
If you or someone you know is facing this charge, call 918-756-9600 now for a initial consult at the Wirth Law Office – Okmulgee.
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