Sometimes, just dealing with a criminal charge can be overwhelming.
However, the added stress of paying court costs can make moving on from your charge even more difficult.
If an Okmulgee, Oklahoma court finds you are guilty of failure to pay court costs, you may find yourself in even more trouble.
Penalties for Failure to Pay Court Costs
Anytime you do anything in court, you will be required to pay court costs.
This applies whether your court action is a civil case, a misdemeanor case, or a felony criminal matter.
If you’ve failed to pay your court costs, a judge will likely want to know if you can actually pay your fees and are simply avoiding your responsibility.
If a judge finds that you are willfully neglecting your financial obligation, he may convert your fine into a jail sentence.
If you are unable to pay, however, a court may order that you pay your fine in installments over time.
As a more serious punishment, the court may also recommend that your driving privileges be suspended until you have fully corrected your failure to pay court costs in Oklahoma.
Low-cost Consultation: Okmulgee Criminal Defense Lawyer
Failure to pay court costs can make an already stressful situation much worse.
If you or someone you know is faced with this charge, call (918) 756-9600 now for a initial consult at the Wirth Law Office – Okmulgee.
Or, enter your legal question or concern in the form at the top right of this page, and one of our Okmulgee criminal defense lawyers will promptly return your message.