All good times must come to an end.
This includes a night out when you may have been enjoying a drink or two.
However, if you are caught driving with alcohol in your car, you may find yourself facing a criminal charge for transporting an open container in Oklahoma.
If you or someone you know has been charged with this crime, contact an experienced Okmulgee misdemeanor defense attorney today.
Requirements of the Crime
Oklahoma law prohibits anyone from knowingly transporting any alcoholic beverage which has been opened and has a broken seal.
Violating this law will lead to a criminal charge for transporting an open container in Oklahoma.
However, it is not completely illegal to transport alcohol.
A driver must store the alcohol in the rear trunk or rear compartment, or any outside compartment which is not accessible by the driver or any other passenger while the car is in motion.
Penalties for Transporting an Open Container in Oklahoma
An open container citation may result in up to six months in county jail and $500 in fines.
Low-cost Consultation: Okmulgee Traffic Defense Lawyer
Because an open container citation can lead to an expensive fine and jail time, an experienced attorney can ensure you keep your money and your freedom.
If you or someone you know needs to speak with an Okmulgee traffic defense lawyer, call 918-756-9600 for a low-cost consultation.
Or, enter your legal question or concern in the form at the top right of this page, and one of our attorneys will promptly return your message.