Getting behind the wheel of a car that isn’t yours can land you in hot water if you haven’t obtained the owner’s permission.
This is true even if you’ve taken a family member or friend’s car or have been allowed to take the car in the past.
If you’ve been accused of the crime of the unauthorized use of motor vehicle in Oklahoma, contact an experienced Okmulgee criminal defense attorney today.
About Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle in Oklahoma
Since the unauthorized use of a motor vehicle in Oklahoma is a felony offense, the crime is governed by state law rather than Okmulgee local ordinances.
In Oklahoma, it is a crime to possess a vehicle without first obtaining the consent of the owner and with the intent to deprive the owner of the vehicle, even temporarily.
If found guilty of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle in Oklahoma, the person convicted of this crime will face up to a year in jail.
In order to obtain a conviction, however, a prosecutor must prove each of the following elements:
First, the taking/using/driving;
Second, a vehicle;
Third, by the defendant;
Fourth, without the consent of the owner;
Fifth, with the intent to deprive the owner, temporarily or otherwise, of the vehicle or its possession.
A defendant can, therefore, win his case if he presents evidence to show that he had permission from the vehicle’s owner.
Low-cost Consultation: Okmulgee Criminal Defense Lawyer
A guilty conviction of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle in Oklahoma can lead to a felony conviction and a year or more in jail. Thus, talking to a qualified Okmulgee criminal defense lawyer is a good idea.
If you or someone you know faces this charge, call 918-756-9600 now for a low-cost strategy session at Wirth Law Office – Okmulgee.
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