Can My Ex’s New Significant Other Be Around My Children in Oklahoma?
Hi there, my name is Jay Bills. I’m the Okmulgee attorney. I’m here today to answer a couple of the frequently asked questions that occur during client consultations. Can the other party have somebody spend the night there, say their boyfriend or girlfriend, especially sometimes this comes up during the initial filings where people are just now changing their living situations and they don’t want this new boyfriend or girlfriend staying there while their kids are there.
One of the things that people need to consider is a judicial order of proper conduct that needs to be entered right away in order so they can’t have their new boyfriend or girlfriend over there with their children. This order can be put in place quickly and effectively, as long as you have the right attorney fighting for you.
What Are My Options?
If you are facing a situation where your ex-spouse is exposing your children to a new significant other, it’s important to know that you have options. One option is to petition the court for a judicial order of proper conduct, as mentioned earlier. Another option is to attempt to come to an agreement outside of court with your ex-spouse regarding the presence of the significant other around your children.
It’s important to remember that the court’s primary concern is the best interests of the children. If you believe that your children are being put in harm’s way by the presence of the significant other, it’s important to take action to protect them.
Contact Us Today
If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding your custody case, please contact me, Oklahoma family lawyer Jay Bills, at We offer consultations and would be happy to speak with you about your specific situation. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help.