Reaching a resolution quickly through agreed paternities.
Agreed Paternity: An Easier and Faster Process
Hi there, this is Jay Bills. I’m the Okmulgee attorney. I’m here today to talk to you about paternity actions, specifically agreed paternities. And that’s where you and the other parent can agree to what the custody and visitation and child support is going to look like.
When it comes to resolving paternity issues, going through the traditional court process can be time-consuming and stressful. However, with an agreed paternity, you and the other parent can reach an agreement on important matters such as custody, visitation, and child support without the need for lengthy hearings and trials.
The Benefits of Agreed Paternity
One of the main advantages of pursuing an agreed paternity is the speed at which it can be resolved. By working together with the other parent and coming to a mutual understanding, you can avoid the delays and uncertainties often associated with the court system.
Furthermore, an agreed paternity allows you to have more control over the outcome. Instead of leaving the decision-making in the hands of a judge, you and the other parent can tailor the arrangements to fit your unique circumstances and the best interests of your child.
Take the First Step Towards Resolving Your Paternity Matters
If you believe that you and the other parent can come to an agreement on custody, visitation, and child support, I encourage you to reach out to me at I have extensive experience in handling paternity cases and can guide you through the process.
Contact me today for a low-cost consultation. Together, we can discuss your specific circumstances and explore options for reaching an agreed paternity that works for everyone involved. Don’t wait any longer, take action now.