If you’re going through a divorce in Okmulgee, there are ways you can protect your privacy. You may not want people to be able to access records of your divorce for one reason or another. Maybe you don’t want certain people in your future knowing you had a divorce, or maybe you just want to keep the details private.
What you may not know is the civil records filed with the court are generally public, which means they are available at the courthouse in the county where the case took place. They are also often available online at sites like oscn.net and odcr.com. This means that anyone can get these records from the Internet or the courthouse.
Perhaps the best and simplest way to keep your divorce record private is to alter your name on the record. While your legal name has to be used in the documents, you can use a variation of it on the official listing. One way to do this is to use your first initial and your last name. This is especially useful if you have a common last name.
Whether you try to get the record sealed, file in a different county, or alter your name, you may be able to make your divorce record less accessible.