When one parent falls behind in the payment of child support, it creates a problem for everyone involved. The other parent, usually the custodial parent, must try to absorb the loss and expenses must be cut. Often the custodial parent must work more hours if they are available to do so. If not, often the […]
Okmulgee Lawyer Blog
The state of Oklahoma has a vested interest in making sure that its children are cared for. Every parent has an obligation to support their children. Sometimes though, parents fall behind in that obligation. When courts order child support, that order is enforceable. If a parent falls behind in child support, the law provides a […]
Oklahoma law provides a number of tools to help in the enforcement of child support. The suspension of drivers licenses is one of those tools. It is a tool that is somewhat controversial in it application and effectiveness. Thus, it is often not the first tool of choice for many custodial parents seeking to collect […]
It is terrible to be owed back child support by a recalcitrant parent. Parents do fall behind sometimes. It can happen for a number of reasons. There are also times when a parent just doesn’t want to pay. Whatever the reasons, when delinquent child support payments are owed, everyone suffers. There are things the custodial […]
Oklahoma provides plenty of tools for a parent to enforce a child support obligation. These tools cover a wide variety of possible situations. It is important to use the tools that most fit your particular situation. Garnishment is one such tool. It is also sometimes referred to as a wage assignment. Garnishment is a tool […]