The criminal investigation phase is not one we normally think of associating with the hiring of an attorney, but maybe it should be. The criminal investigation phase is really the first step of a misdemeanor criminal case. There are steps that an experienced Okmulgee misdemeanor defense attorney can take at this phase to help protect […]
Okmulgee Lawyer Blog
All parents in Oklahoma are required to support their children. The division of that support between the parents depends on a number of factors explored in this article.
Wage Garnishment, Another Name for Child Support Intercept In Oklahoma, it is mandatory that parents support their children financially. Most parents are more than willing to do that, even when times are stressful such as in the midst of a divorce, or when finances are difficult. But because there are times when a parent chooses […]
A Qualified Domestic Relations Order, or Quadro, allows for retirement savings to be allocated between spouses during divorce. Learn the ins and outs of QDROs in this article.
If you lose your job, your child support obligation continues. Unpaid amounts continue to accrue and interest is applied. Your unemployment income may be garnished. Do not ignore the order. Get a modification if your circumstances warrant it.