Sexual communications with minors are prohibited in Oklahoma. They are prosecuted as felonies and a first offense can mean up to 20 years in prison.
Okmulgee Lawyer Blog
Oklahoma courts usually prefer that parents have joint custody of their children after divorce to ensure that both parents work together in rearing their children. There are situations in which sole custody is granted. This article explains some of those situations.
Hiring an attorney to protect your CDL is an important step if you are facing a traffic ticket in Okmulgee Oklahoma. Here are some things you might want to know.
While fighting a speeding ticket in Okmulgee isn’t always worth it, there are some situations in which it is necessary. In those cases, it is always better to have an attorney’s help.
An application to revoke your suspended sentence can be brought by the state if you violate the terms of your probation. Learn what to do if you are facing an application to revoke.