Expungement Helps You Move On With Your Life Getting an expungement of your criminal records can do wonders in helping you move on after a scrape with the law. Criminal records can and do interfere with your life long after you have finished your sentence and repaid your debt to society. But sometimes you must […]
Okmulgee Lawyer Blog
Although it may sound like a simple process to file a petition for criminal records expungement, it is a more complicated process than you might think, and it requires the time and attention of an experienced expungement attorney. First Step: Do You Qualify For a Criminal Records Expungement? First, make sure that you are eligible […]
Different Needs, Different Expungements Let’s face it. Even the most responsible of us can have a run-in with the law. When we come out the other end, it is time to move on with our lives. Expungement can be an effective tool in that regard. Oklahoma has laws making expungement accessible so you can put […]
New Laws Make it Possible to Put Your Past Behind You Sooner It is difficult to move on from a felony conviction. A criminal record from your past can stigmatize your present and future for years unless to take action to get an expungement. And new Oklahoma laws, passed in 2016, have made it easier […]
Protective orders are often necessary to calm things down in a troubled relationship. Judges often grant them in domestic abuse cases and in heated divorces. These orders will stay on your record long after a troubled relationship resolves itself. And just like a criminal conviction, a protective order issued against you can have lasting negative […]