In Okmulgee, Oklahoma liability insurance for your car is mandatory and driving without insurance is against the law. Thus, a no proof of insurance ticket in Oklahoma is a potentially serious legal matter. Contacting a trained Okmulgee criminal defense lawyer is advisable in this situation so that you can make sure you protect your rights and […]
Okmulgee Lawyer Blog
A charge of rape in Okmulgee, Oklahoma can have serious implications. If you have been charged with rape, the best way to preserve your rights and prepare your defense is to contact an experienced Okmulgee criminal defense lawyer immediately. Rape in Okmulgee, Oklahoma is a felony that can be punishable by as much as life in […]
A drug related charge might carry serious consequences lasting well beyond the sentence and conviction. It may negatively impact your future ability to get a job for instance. Any drug charge should not be taken lightly, including those filed under drug paraphernalia laws in Oklahoma. Possession of drug paraphernalia in Okmulgee, Oklahoma, is a crime, […]
When a deal seems too good to be true in Okmulgee, Oklahoma, it generally is. Don’t get caught in possession of stolen property in Oklahoma or you can face serious consequences like jail time. What is Possession of Stolen Property in Oklahoma? Possession of stolen property in Oklahoma is a felony offense. Okmulgee, Oklahoma law requires that you […]
Wanting to help someone you know may seem well-intentioned. However, if you know that the person committed a crime in or near Okmulgee, Oklahoma, you could end up being charged as an accessory to a felony in Oklahoma. What is Accessory to a Felony in Oklahoma? A felony offense is any crime that may be punishable by more […]