Dishonesty is not always a crime, but it can definitely lead to serious legal trouble, especially if you have made false statements to a government agency in Oklahoma. This can include lying on a form in order to receive a government benefit or submitting any other form containing false information. If you’ve been caught doing […]
Okmulgee Lawyer Blog
Even if you do not intend to sell or use a drug, just having one in your possession can result in time behind bars and fines. If you or someone you know faces drug possession charges in Oklahoma, contact an experienced Okmulgee criminal defense attorney today. About Drug Possession Charges in Oklahoma Oklahoma law defines drug possession in […]
If you’ve been convicted of a crime punishable with jail time in Okmulgee, Oklahoma the judge in your case may allow you to serve your time on probation instead of in jail if you plead guilty or no contest to the underlying crime. Failure to abide by the terms of your deferred sentence or to […]
Even if someone intends to give damaging testimony against you or someone you know, in Okmulgee, Oklahoma it is illegal to attempt to prevent them from testifying in a trial of any kind. This is called witness intimidation Oklahoma and you may find yourself facing jail time and fines if convicted of this crime. Examining Witness […]
Most gun crimes are treated seriously in Okmulgee, Oklahoma. However, you may find yourself in even more trouble if you are accused of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon in Oklahoma. If you or anyone you know has been charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon in Oklahoma, contact an […]