Sometimes, just dealing with a criminal charge can be overwhelming. However, the added stress of paying court costs can make moving on from your charge even more difficult. If an Okmulgee, Oklahoma court finds you are guilty of failure to pay court costs, you may find yourself in even more trouble. Penalties for Failure to […]
Okmulgee Lawyer Blog
Although drug abuse is a serious offense, just being in possession of a controlled dangerous substance in Oklahoma can lead to harsh penalties. If you or someone you know has been charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance in Oklahoma, contact an experienced Okmulgee drug crimes defense attorney today. What is Possession of a Controlled […]
All relationships are challenging, whether intimate or familial. No matter how difficult your relationship becomes, however, you will find yourself putting both your freedom and your relationship on the line if you physically attack the other person. If you find yourself in this position, you may face a charge of domestic assault and battery Oklahoma. […]
Stalking in Oklahoma is a serious crime. Although you may feel your actions are harmless, you could face a misdemeanor and up to one year in prison. If you’ve been charged with the crime of stalking, contact an experienced Okmulgee criminal defense attorney today. Understanding Stalking Charges in Okmulgee The crime of stalking in Oklahoma […]
Most crimes are punishable with jail time. However, the judge in your case may choose to allow you to serve your time on probation instead of behind bars. If the judge imposes a suspended sentence, you will be sentenced to jail time. However, the judge will allow you to serve probation for the length of […]