In this blog post, Jay Bills, an Okmulgee attorney, discusses the complex topic of stepchildren and adoption. Jay emphasizes the importance of responsible and loving parenting, regardless of biological ties. He highlights situations where a stepparent may consider adopting their stepchild without the consent of the absent biological parent, particularly when they have had minimal involvement in the child’s life. By doing so, it can protect the child from potential trauma caused by reintroducing an absent parent. Jay invites readers to reach out to him for more information and guidance on this matter.
Okmulgee Lawyer Blog
Jay R. Bills, Esq.
Jay R. Bills, Esq. 
Protecting Your Child from a Dangerous Biological Parent Hi there, this is Jay Bills, the Okmulgee attorney, and I’m here to talk to you about when your child is in danger from a biological parent. There’s no way to pinpoint what in today’s society that is creating such frequent urgency concerning your child’s best […]
Jay R. Bills, Esq. 
In this blog post, Okmulgee attorney Jay Bills explores the topic of common law marriage. He discusses the various ways couples can enter into cohabitation, noting that all marriages, regardless of gender, are legally recognized if a license is obtained and a ceremony is performed by an authorized person. Jay goes on to explain the elements required to establish a common law marriage, such as both parties being of legal age and mentally sound, as well as living together and intending to be married. He also touches on the challenges of proving a common law marriage when a couple splits, highlighting the need for legal assistance in such cases.
Jay R. Bills, Esq. 
Hi there! I’m Jay Bills, the Okmulgee Attorney, and today I want to discuss an important topic – real estate boundaries. If you own real property, it’s crucial to ensure that the boundaries are clearly defined. Did you have a survey conducted by a qualified surveyor when you acquired the property? It’s essential to have an accurate understanding of your property lines. Have you recently encountered a situation where someone claims ownership of the land you’ve been using for years? Perhaps a fence or a structure on your property is now being disputed. Boundary disputes can be complicated, but I’m here to help. If you’re facing a real estate issue, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at Let’s have a conversation about your situation.
Jay R. Bills, Esq. 
In this blog post, Okmulgee attorney Jay Bills discusses the process of modifying child support in Oklahoma. He highlights that child support can be set in various types of cases, including divorce, paternity, adoptions, and guardianships. Jay explains that child support may need to be modified due to changes in income, the child’s needs, or expenses. He emphasizes that there is no minimum time set for changing child support if all other qualifiers are met. Jay invites readers to reach out to him at if they have experienced changes since their child support was set and need assistance.