In addition to the actual compensatory damages (economic and noneconomic) that may be awarded to a plaintiff in an Okmulgee personal injury case, Oklahoma allows for the awarding of punitive damages in some cases. Punitive damages are designed to punish a defendant who has displayed bad conduct, and in that way, deter them from displaying […]
Personal Injury
Things can be quite hectic in the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident. You will be bombarded with concerns about your injuries, the well being of your passengers, the other driver(s), the condition of your car and who’s at fault. Thus, knowing ahead of time what to do after a motor vehicle accident will help […]
It is not uncommon for more than one driver to be at fault in an automobile accident. Often, you are one of the persons at fault. Fortunately, in Oklahoma you can still file a personal injury claim or lawsuit when you share liability for an automobile accident. States differ on how shared liability affects an […]