Dine and dash is when you fail to pay your bill, either by leaving a hotel or restaurant without paying, or passing a worthless check (whether intentionally or inadvertently). Defrauding hotels and restaurants is usually a misdemeanor but for bills of $1,000 or more, it may be a felony.
Okmulgee Felony criminal defense attorneys
Staff ![larceny]()
Larceny is a type of theft in Oklahoma. But while all larcenies are thefts, not all thefts are larcenies in Oklahoma. Larceny in Oklahoma is defined as taking of another person’s property by fraud or stealth, with the intent to deprive the owner of that property. Okla. Stat. tit. 21 § 1701. Larceny always involves […]
Staff ![first-degree manslaughter]()
First degree manslaughter is a felony in Oklahoma and is punishable by at least 4 years in prison. If charged, you need a good attorney.
Staff ![drug tax stamp]()
Failure to have a drug tax stamp on illegal drugs is a felony in Oklahoma with both criminal and civil penalties. Hire an experienced attorney to protect your freedom.
Staff ![malicious damage to property]()
Malicious damage to property in Oklahoma can be treated either as a misdemeanor or as a felony depending on circumstances. Seek an attorney’s help.