Okmulgee Lawyer Blog
How to Get Expungements in Oklahoma?
In this blog post, attorney Jay Bills provides valuable insights into the process of obtaining expungements in Oklahoma. He highlights the detrimental effects of a criminal record on various aspects of one's life, such as university admissions, licenses, and employment opportunities. By emphasizing the importance of a clean slate, Jay encourages readers to consider seeking expungements to ensure a brighter future. He assures readers that regardless of the type of conviction or the circumstances surrounding it, Oklahoma statutes offer a framework that accommodates all situations. Jay Bills's expertise and dedication to helping individuals overcome the limitations of their past shine through in his invitation to discuss expungements further. Read more »
What Is Small Claims Court in Oklahoma?
In Oklahoma, small claims court provides a legal avenue for resolving disputes that may not warrant a full-blown civil suit. Jay Bills, an Okmulgee Attorney, sheds light on this often misunderstood aspect of the legal system. If you find yourself on the receiving end of an unfair transaction, such as faulty installations or defective products, small claims court may be the solution. In some cases, you might even be entitled to attorney fees. With a diverse range of underlying circumstances, it is crucial to seek advice from an experienced attorney like Jay Bills. Visit OkmulgeeAttorney.com to discuss your case and ensure justice is served. Read more »
How to Handle Child Support in Oklahoma?
In this blog post, Okmulgee attorney Jay Bills discusses the importance of child support in Oklahoma. Whether you are a single parent or a parent within a marriage, every child has the right to be supported by both parents. Even if you can financially provide for your child alone, receiving child support can help secure a better future for them. From college funds to extracurricular activities, child support allows you to invest in your child's growth and make more meaningful memories together. If you have concerns about whether your child is receiving the support they deserve, reach out to Jay Bills at okmulgeeattorney.com for a consultation. Read more »
How to Get Custody of a Child Born Out of Wedlock in Oklahoma?
In Oklahoma, getting custody of a child born out of wedlock can be a complex process. As an Okmulgee attorney, I understand the challenges fathers face in such situations. If you find yourself in a relationship that is no longer viable, it's crucial to establish your legal rights as a parent. Even if you are listed on the birth certificate and acknowledge paternity, you are not the child's legal parent until the court determines so. With over 50% of these relationships dissolving, it's important to be prepared. Contact me at okmulgeeattorney.com to discuss custody, visitation, and child support to avoid future issues surrounding your child's well-being. Read more »
How to Get Adult Guardianship in Oklahoma?
Are you aware that adult guardianships are not just for minors? In Oklahoma, there are provisions in place to help adults who are unable to make their own financial or personal decisions. Whether it's due to health reasons or being under the influence of someone who doesn't have their best interest at heart, these individuals need protection. As an Okmulgee attorney, I'm here to assist those who find themselves in such situations. If you have a loved one who requires adult guardianship, let's talk. Visit okmulgeeattorney.com to learn more. Read more »