Okmulgee Lawyer Blog
What is Accessory to a Felony in Oklahoma?
Wanting to help someone you know may seem well-intentioned. However, if you know that the person committed a crime in or near Okmulgee, Oklahoma, you could end up being charged as an accessory to a felony in Oklahoma. What is Accessory to a Felony in Oklahoma? A felony offense is any crime that may be punishable by more […] Read more »
What Constitutes Bribery Charges in Oklahoma?
Giving someone a gift in exchange for doing you a favor may seem harmless in Okmulgee, but it may cause you to face bribery charges in Oklahoma. Bribery in Okmulgee, Oklahoma is a serious felony charge that can lead to heavy fines and possible prison sentences. FAQ: Bribery Charges in Oklahoma The law in Okmulgee, […] Read more »
How Can I Fight Okmulgee, Oklahoma Robbery Charges?
Okmulgee, Oklahoma robbery charges are serious and can carry long prison sentences. To convict someone of Oklahoma robbery charges, the prosecution must prove every element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. FAQ: Oklahoma Robbery Charges The elements of robbery in Okmulgee, Oklahoma are as follows: the wrongful taking of personal property in the possession of another, […] Read more »
Examining Oklahoma Hit and Run Laws
In Okmulgee, if you are in control of a motor vehicle and you have an accident with a person, place, or thing you have a duty under Oklahoma hit and run laws to stop and remain as close as possible to the scene until the accident is reported. If anyone was injured in the accident […] Read more »
What is Fleeing and Eluding Police in Oklahoma?
Fleeing and eluding police in Oklahoma can be a serious crime. Eluding is the act of avoiding or attempt to escape from any sheriff, policeman, or any other law enforcement officer whose duty it is to enforce and preserve the public peace. You can be charged with fleeing and eluding police in Oklahoma under many […] Read more »