Okmulgee Lawyer Blog
Can I Fight a Probation Violation in Oklahoma? What Are the Consequences in Okmulgee?
Most crimes are punishable with jail time. However, the judge in your case may choose to allow you to serve your time on probation instead of behind bars. If the judge imposes a suspended sentence, you will be sentenced to jail time. However, the judge will allow you to serve probation for the length of […] Read more »
Okmulgee Law on Aggravated Assault and Battery Oklahoma
Assault and battery is typically charged as a misdemeanor in Oklahoma courts. However, an offender may find himself facing a felony charge and more serious penalties if he is charged with aggravated assault and battery in Okmulgee, Oklahoma. Defining Aggravated Assault and Battery Oklahoma The crime of battery itself usually occurs when an offender physically […] Read more »
Okmulgee Law: What is the Punishment for Obstructing an Officer in Oklahoma?
Getting into trouble with the law is usually something we all try to avoid. If you or someone you know has been caught committing a crime by a police officer, however, you may find yourself in even more trouble if you engage in conduct that constitutes obstructing an officer in Oklahoma. Defining “Obstruction” Obstruction of […] Read more »
Okmulgee Law: What Are Resisting Arrest Charges in Oklahoma?
Breaking the law is serious, though facing resisting arrest charges in Oklahoma make a bad situation even worse. Unlike obstruction of an officer, which is a much broader offense, you can only be charged with resisting arrest in Okmulgee County if you use force to try to evade being detained. However, you can be charged with […] Read more »
Okmulgee Law: Charged with Child Neglect in Oklahoma? What You Need to Know
Parents and caregivers alike are required to provide adequate care to the children they are responsible for in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma. Because child neglect in Oklahoma is broadly defined and a very serious accusation, contact an experienced family attorney if you or anyone you know is facing this charge. Defining “Child Neglect” “Neglect” takes many […] Read more »